WeCanDo.BIZ Leads The Next Wave Of Social Networking

WeCanDo.BIZ Limited, based in London, announces the launch of the subsequent wave of Web 2.0 Social Networking. aimed toward UK-based businesses and consumers alike the service, which can be available from the web address www.wecando.biz, is that the first of its type to provide tangible business benefits by putting trusted businesses and buyers together, with tools to assist facilitate sales. Existing social networks specialize in person to person relationships, with the advantages typically felt only by individuals and only if they are prepared to put in the work. Teenagers have fully embraced the medium to attach with friends, but business people are left perplexed as to how they benefit without losing many hours a day on such websites, vainly scavenging for possible businesses opportunities. “Facebook, LinkedIn and XING are often used by business people to find new customers, but they’re compromised,” says Ian Hendry, founder and director of WeCanDo.BIZ. “They require that you simply work them hard to make the right connections and get yourself promoted; and they often involve you sharing information that may not be appropriate or of interest to people who just want to find a specific quality business to deal with.” WeCanDo.BIZ puts the stress on promoting the business ahead of the individual. Once a business person lists their organization using the service, existing customers are often invited to connect with that business. As each customer connects, they’re invited to endorse the business. Each endorsement gets the business promoted higher within the website’s Trusted Business Search, a searchable directory listing aimed toward business buyers and consumers. More endorsements means better off customers, increasing confidence therein business. At the identical time, buyers are able to do greater trust that the businesses they make a connection with are of high quality and integrity — information that cannot be readily obtained using standard search engines or Internet Yellow Pages listings like Google, Yell, Scoot or Applegate. But the large difference with other sites of this type is that each business’s customers become its salesforce — as they endorse a business, their own contacts will see their recommendations. Search on printers in Manchester, for instance , and therefore the list of trusted businesses returned will be headed by those recommended by your network of friends and colleagues. “Your customers do all the work for you,” says Ian Hendry. “WeCanDo.BIZ promotes businesses that folks you know are happy to recommend above the rest. therefore the best businesses get promoted with little effort; and those people looking for businesses find out which ones are recommended by the people they know, without having to call all of their contacts in turn. Everyone benefits and that we think the combination is hard to beat.” WeCanDo.BIZ launches the complete public site on 28 April 2022 and business registrations are already being accepted at www.wecando.biz. the essential service will be free to businesses, buyers and consumers.