
Good Health- What Do Parrots Eat You Should Know

Figuring out just what kind of food to buy for this expensive exotic parrot that you just bought can create one of the worst headaches for the average new parrot owner. You must get it right or possibly shorten the life expectancy of the bird greatly. At the new parrot owner will be taught just what type of food is right for their new friend. There is a very large variety and many styles of food that must be chosen from.

With the many different species of parrot that are available for purchase these days, that much more care must be taken to provide the proper nutrition. Different stages of development and size and weight must play a huge part in the product selected. “With the amount of seeds and pelleted food available on the market today, you have to get educated before you buy any bird!” Said Mike Kyle the site owner.

Luckily at the new parrot owner will become well informed before he decides which bird to purchase. The site breaks down many of the available seed options and pellet foods and informs the new parrot owner what is in them like protein and fat content because not all parrot food is created equal.

It is and will continue to be a huge responsibility that will be taken on when purchasing an exotic parrot. The good news is that with the great amount of parrot species we have today, the buyer will be able to choose the right bird for the family. Some of the African species of parrot can be very skittish around people. So if you have young children in the home, you may want to start with a more stable bird like a cockatiel or parakeet as the family bird. Of course the choice to purchase a larger parrot such as the African grey parrot could work well with younger folks as long as they remain calm and gentle around their new friend. Luckily will put them on the right track to become a very informed parrot owner.

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